What if...Christmas
I hope you enjoy my "What if ... Christmas" poem.
Posted by Admin on December 21, 2021
Would you write as a pseudonym author?
One question many authors are asked is if they would ever write as a pseudonym author. I will ask the question back, why do you think I am not already writing as a pseudonym author? There are fantastic reasons that an author would take on an alias.....
Posted by Admin on November 30, 2021
A Quiet Reflection Before Thanksgiving
As I sit in my favorite chair on an early Saturday morning, I enjoy the quit before the start of the day. As I listen to the clock ticking the seconds away I gaze out of my window and reflect. I reflect on the summer that just passed in what seemed like a blink of an eye. I remember the family trip to the Indiana Sand Dunes in July. I miss the sand between my toes and the warm wind that blew across....
Posted by Admin on November 20, 2021
My Favorite Newspaper Snippets
Searching through newspapers to find the most important news clippings for my book, 1870-1920 History of Towns in Missouri Through Newspaper Snippets
, was not only education, but also quite fascinating. Many days I felt as if I was transported to the past. I got to read about horse chases, the transition from candle light to electrity, the building of new towns, but also the decline of less fortunate ones.
Posted by Admin on August 15, 2021
What is my story inspiration?
Inspiration comes in many places that changes depending upon if I am about to begin or am in the middle of a story. My first book, “The Lost Key” was inspired by my nightmares as a child. I remember many vivid dreams that still haunt me to this day. Well into my adulthood, one morning
Posted by Admin on May 6, 2021